“Song Travels with Michael Feinstein,” a new NPR series produced by ETV, premieres Saturday at ETV Radio. Each show Feinstein, a master of the Great American Songbook, will examine American show tunes and standards with guests, including Bette Midler, David Hyde Pierce, Neil Sedaka and Liza Minnelli. The guests will perform duets with Feinstein, as well as solo tunes. The 13-episode show will air at 11 p.m. Saturdays on WRJA-FM 88.1 and 11 p.m. Sundays on WLTR-FM 91.3. “Song Travels” is the fourth national radio program produced by ETV. The others: “Marian McPartland’s Piano Jazz,” “Piano Jazz Rising Stars” and “Chamber Music from the Spoleto Festival USA,” which began its season on March 29.
To listen to Bette and Michael:Â [wpaudio url=”http://www.bootlegbetty.com/audio/Bette Midler – Michael Feinstein.mp3″ text=”Bette Midler – Song Travels with Michael Feinstein” dl=”0″]
Listening now… fascinating interview. You all will love it. Bette talks Laura Nyro in it and explains her connection to her.
Glad you liked it Stephen!
this is amazin! thank you…good to hear her again 🙂
You’re welcome Tobi!
This was a great interview
I think when Bette refers to Bills sounding similar to Handos hideaway, she may be confused with J lo’s “Dance the night away”
Lets dance – till we – go crazy (da da da…..)
My opinion this sounds like Nados hodeaway – whatever the song is called LOL 😉
@Erin: Hernando’s Hideaway
If ya like it, and it makes you feel better, keep listening
Incredible…I think I just downloaded 20 songs from this show on I-Tunes…Love Bette!!!
That’s fabulous!
Wow! What a wonderful opportunity to hang out with Bette and share her music with her. Just as I would always have loved to do. Gives real insight into how she creates her own work. Some of the thought process and the inspiration that gives her ability to have such amazingly emotional impact on us. I love to hear her articulate herself about what moves her.
Glad you enjoyed it!
Don. Thank you for this NPR. I have missed Bette. It was wonderful to hear her voice. My favorite is listening to Bette in conversation. Also thank you for The Cleveland Rock Hall Photos. I am in Cleveland and am so proud she was present tonite. A Real A-List. I can’t wait to hear what she said in her Laura Nyro presentation. She is looking very Beautiful. Thank you again Mr.D for this time you give us. All this time that you give for Bette.
Well thank you Robert. i still love that I can do this and I very much appreciate your compliment!