WALTER SCOTT ASKS … Barbara Hershey
Feb 27, 2013
The actress, 65, plays Cora, the mother of the Evil Queen, on ABC’s Once Upon a Time (Sundays).
What drew you to this role?
It’s a really inventive show, and I’ve always loved fairy tales. It’s fun to wave your hand and have someone fly across the room!
Do you have a favorite fairy tale?
I’m addicted to the entire Oz book series by L. Frank Baum, who wrote ”¨The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. They were always my favorites as a kid.
Are you still in touch with your Beaches costar, Bette Midler?
We’ve lost contact in the last few years because she moved to New York and I’m in L.A., but I love her and consider her a friend. When she was living in L.A., we’d go to restaurants, and it was fun to see people do double takes when they saw us together!
That 1988 movie has become a classic. Did you know it was special when you were making it?
I knew it was a rare thing to have a film about the friendship between women. It’s crucial for little girls growing up to know that friendships between women are important.
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