Bette Midler accused of bullying Donald Trump with old photo: Bullying Or Taste Of Medicin?

Bette Midler accused of bullying Donald Trump with old photo
‘Lard ass’


It’s the president versus the actress.

Bette Midler and Donald Trump have made no secret of their mutual dislike for each other, but the actress’ latest dig at the US leader has sparked backlash online.

Midler took to social media following Trump’s controversial tweets earlier in the week about a female reporter.

The president branded MSNBC reporter Mika Brzezinski “crazy” and said he once refused to meet her because “she was bleeding badly from a face lift”.

The comments sparked condemnation around the world and it was was enough to send Midler to her own social media where she shared a photo of the president playing tennis in a pair of tight white shorts.

She captioned the image: “Lard ass! Anyone as broad in the beam as this bum should think twice about slagging people about their looks!!”

Lard ass! Anyone as broad in the beam as this bum should think twice about slagging people about their looks!!

While she won plenty of laughs for her remarks, some people were quick to accuse her of hypocrisy for “bullying” the president.

“Trump is not a good person, but if he was, the size of his rear wouldn’t matter, it’s not a persons looks, it’s what’s in their heart , or lack of,” wrote one fan on her Instagram page.

“So sorry. You are one of my most favorite stars but this is so unnecessary,” wrote another.

However, others were happy to laugh along with the actress.

“[Trump’s] Putting granny pants to shame!!” one follower write jokingly.

What do you think? Is this hypocrisy? Or just giving Trump a taste of his own medicine?

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32 thoughts on “Bette Midler accused of bullying Donald Trump with old photo: Bullying Or Taste Of Medicin?

  1. I believe Trump brought all this ridicule on himself, he made so many statements over time that show what kind of person he is , he degrades women, handicapped, veterans, everyone who does not support him, hes nasty, a bully, and flaunts money and power yet as a President does not know how to be R espectable, Professional, and has nothing to say that shows he wants to do anything good for this Country, he repeats the same things every time he speaks, pats himself on the back for things he has never done takes credit for things others have done, it just goes on, he instigated violence during his campaign that still carries on….he tweets relentlessly, no President should be doing that, has no respect for security , has his kids and their spouses doing Government jobs they have no qualifications for, the whole Family is taking advantage of the American People, his wife isn’t even an acting First Lady yet his daughter is always in the front lines of important meetings…it just goes on.. He is not someone who should be leading our Country, and is destroying it on so many levels……so yes he brought all this on himself, he’s being treated with the same respect he has treated this Country, its People, and the Position he holds with.

  2. Since his own party seems unwilling, or unable to rein him in, giving him a taste of his own medicine appears to be the only way to wake people up to the damage he is doing to the Office of President and the country as a whole.

    I would not call Ms Midler’s post bullying. I believe she is standing up for women everywhere when she points out the hypocrisy of Mr. Trump’s tirades against women.

  3. One of my favorite scenes in the ROSE?
    Its in the dinner, they refuse service,not liking their “kind”
    As Rose leaves ,she tells the owner,if your Dick is as small as your brain,you’re in trouble

  4. The trump supporters are so quick to defend his rude and disgusting behavior just because he is “president”? No, he is supposed to be a role model for the American people and behave so that we, the American people and be inspired and proud by his words and actions. trump has strongly demonstrated that he can do neither. There is something terribly wrong if people are going to defend this person. What is he really trying to do for the American people? Defraud us??? Stop defending the party and begin defending human decency!

  5. Go to Bette! The old saying he can dish it out… he should know better. Never in our history has a president acted this way. God bless you Bette! Keep us smiling!

  6. he got a taste of his own medicine, but of course he is always not in the wrong only those who like fun at him. His followers always take his side because they won’t admit they were about their President! Go Bette its freedom of speech oh wait only Donald gets that privedge.

  7. he got a taste of his own medicine, but of course he is always not in the wrong only those who make fun at him. His followers always take his side because they won’t admit they were wrong about their President! Go Bette its freedom of speech oh wait only Donald gets that privedge.

  8. Go get him Bette!!! He certainly can dish the dirt but sure as heck can’t take it!!
    He’s brought all of this on himself. He has not acted presidential since he took office. Being POTUS means doing more than waving a paper around that says
    Executive Order…especially since he has someone else writing them…
    Has he had an original thought of his own???? I think not…..start acting like you know you are the POTUS and not some television huckster!!!!

  9. As I’ve said before, he should have a good look at himself before denigrating others…he is “No oil painting” just a fat silly man with an inflated sense of personal importance. What were the Americans thinking when they voted for him.

  10. I love Bette Midler. I find nothing wrong or offensive with what she said. Back in the day when she was touring extensively, she mase jikes in her shows, like a stand up comedian would do, that were a lot more offensive than her recent comments, and nobody took offense, they all laughed with her. People today get offended by the least little thing. They need to learn how to take a joke.

    I am still laughing with her.

    A loyal fan.

  11. I love Bette Midler. I find nothing wrong or offensive with what she said. Back in the day when she was touring extensively, she made jokes in her shows, like a stand up comedian would do, that were a lot more offensive than her recent comments, and nobody took offense, they all laughed with her. People today get offended by the least little thing. They need to learn how to take a joke.

    I am still laughing with her.

    A loyal fan.

  12. Seriously? We should care about his feelings? I can’t remember a tweet that had any compassion. Bette, you are on the money.

  13. “Instant Karma gonna get you…” And he actually does have a PIGGY-Face! His ego is his weakness. All he needs is a curly tail and an apple in his mouth.

  14. Trump Deserves every bit of ridicule he gets. He is a big child and ego maniac masquerading as a human being adult. He is nothing look at himself, so his attacks of others on their looks shows he knows his own bad appearance and tries to degrade others to make himself look better. But that has yet to work to his favor, pig that he is.

  15. Oh, for goodness sake, aren’t there more important issues in the world that need a president’s attention?

  16. Dear Bette Midler you are awesome and i love you, even more for this caption. You are fierless! All I can say to that orange human being is this… IF YOU CAN’T SATND THE HEAT GET OFF THE KITCHEN he likes to trash people out well be ready when people trash you back stop being a pussy and start acting a man your age and act like a real President. Learn from Former President Barack Obama he is and always be remembered as one of the greatest Presidents of this country. You I’m not sure you can change the damage you caused to the country and yourself. THE MOST HATED PRESIDENT IN HISTORY.

  17. Well somebody needs to shut him up…We heard all kinds of things like De Niro wanted to punch him in the face and so on…So who better than to put that farce of a President in place than wonderful Bette…All I can say is I hope there’s more where that came from! Thanks Bette you always hit a home run in my book! 🙂

  18. Well our wonderful Bette was only speaking the truth, what else would you call a man with a fat arse like that…I’m amazed those shorts withstood the pressure…God forbid he should fart.
    Keep it coming Bette…he deserves every word! 😉

  19. what’s with the open faced tennis racquet? he doesn’t know how to play, he’s “trying” to hit some balls,
    probably not succeeding!

  20. Bullies rely on no one placing boundaries or consequences to thief cruelty to others. Bette is awesome!

  21. OH, so Bette can’t respond to Humpty Trumpty with similar wording?? Please! The ass ???? does not automatically get respect .. he conspired with the enemy, cheated, lied, bullied his way to the White House! The C- Wharton School Student, Vietnam War Draft Dodger, Narcissitic Moron needs to do his job, get off of twitter, stop his stupid campaigning and suck it up! He does not automatically get respect..He needs to earn it!!

  22. Your comment about Trump really cracked me up!! I am a long time fan of yours, I just don’t get into the fan club thing!! Keep pumping them out to the FAT BASTARD. If enough insults fly his way, he will truly lose his shit. Poor little Melania (against cyber bullying) going down with the greatest bully of them all.

    All presidents have been bashed, why should he be any different

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