Director Malcolm Ingram is chronicling the legendary bathhouse’s infamous history in his upcoming documentary, Continental. He says he’s “surprised” no one made this film before. (The Continental did appear in the 1975 feature Saturday Night at the Baths, but the cut-rate flick hardly does the place justice.)
He managed to snag extensive interviews with those who were there, including the Continental’s owner, Steve Ostrow, but Continental is still shy of his $12,000 goal, so if you want to support this chronicle of LGBT history, visit the film’s KickStarter page before the campaign deadline on Monday, August 13.
For a taste of the old Continental, check out this vintage clip of Bathhouse Bette herself…
SCTV did a fun parody of Bette at the baths that featured Andrea Martin as her Edith Prickley character that according to an SCTV site ran on 3/18/83. Here’s the link:
Thanks Richard!!! I was a devout SCTV fan back then….loved Prickley and O’Hara’s “LOLA Heatherton” lol
you’re so welcome don! i actually hadn’t seen this until i got the sctv dvd set that includes it — it’s really great quality by the by: