More Overseas Box Office News (Thanks Prince Charming!!)

Mister D: Our own sweet Prince Charming wrote to fill us in on The Stepford Wives over yonder!:

It remained on top for another week in Italy, it opened at number 1 in Turkey and at number 2 in Greece, and it remained at number 3 in the countries
formerly known as Russia….;-)

On the other hand, number 5 in the Uk is a bit of a failure. (it means USD 1.7 million by the way…) Mister D: Thanks to Divine Nanny Sara who wrote in first with this figure…sorry…got sidetracked by tour info today 🙂

Still doing solid business in Central Europe, spending another week (the third) in the top 5 in Germany, Switzerland and Austria.

Thank you my Prince Charming and my Divine Dutchie Sara!

Love, Mister D

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