Sony has 2 polls out asking which TV series you’d like to see released. I swear it seems like a year these have been up, but it’s there, it’s legit, so let’s just go for it. Let’s get an Official “Bette” TV series box set on the market:
Her competition is Cupid…so don’t vote for that on the second poll…..
Thanks Daniel
Love, Mister D
“Well hello Jupiter Hollow, I hope your doing fine, everyday you work the factory, every night a jug of wine.”
Sorry kids I just couldn’t resist!
Big Hugz!
“my sister Rose’s gonna kick ’em in their…”
I love when she yodels
Hmmm… funny that What’s Happening Now is on the list. Seems like it was released to DVD in June ’07.
Well, howdy you yodelers in the canyon (oops is that nasty???) Brandon, this poll is so old but it’s the current one they have up…I don’t get it either. My feeling is that all those listed will come to DVD….
It has been about a year since this poll was up last time.
I want an official release!!