Mister D: You Tube would not let me embed the videos on the site due to NBC copyrights. Plus some foreign countries are blocked. We will try to find a way around this, if possible, so be patient. If we can’t then I apologize.

* Part Two: Click Here
* Part Three: Click Here
* Part Four: Click Here
Pretty sure that Bette touching Howie was one of my favorite moments!
Mine too…you know he was freaking out!
oh my God!! I wanna see this video but I can’t ’cause NBC Universal blocked it!! What is doing???
But I must to say thank you Mister D))
We’ll figure out something….
Please do, i’m so curious!
Were ya’ll able to watch the HULU promos? If so, they’ll be airing the full episode soon. Let me know….
Dum, Can’t find them do you have a “promo’link so i can check?
Sorry thanks L.
They just put the full episode up on HULU….I just posted it…see if that works….
I wish they would have let her finish the story about when somebody in the street stopped her to tell her something about her clothes or something like that . I found the whole episode on this page http://tvrulez.com/video/the-marriage-ref-season-1-episode-11/