BetteBack March 10, 1975: Why Did Bette Midler Drop Out Of Sight?

Lima News March 10, 1975 Q: Didn’t Bette Midler drop out of sight for awhile ? Who got her back…

BetteBack March 3, 1975: Is Bette Midler going to appear on TV as a regular on a show without singing?

News Journal Mansfield March 3, 1975 Q. – I was told that Bette Midler is going to appear on TV…

BetteBack August 26, 1974: Bette Midler Gets Pirated

Denton Record August 26, 1974 HOLLYWOOD (UPI> – Hold it! That EJvis Presley tape cartridge you’re playing on your stereo…

Bette Midler: “Butts have kicked boobs under the bus! Do these jeans make my butt look big enough?” (Divine Intervention, 2015)

Bette Midler: “Butts have kicked boobs under the bus! Do these jeans make my butt look big enough?” (Divine Intervention,…

Bette Midler: “Aren’t my girls wonderful? They used to be fact-checkers at FOX News. Then I snatched them up, and nobody knew they were gone!” (Divine Intervention, 2015)

Bette Midler: “Aren’t my girls wonderful? They used to be fact-checkers at FOX News. Then I snatched them up, and…