It’s a Boy (Pete Townshend)
It’s a boy Mrs. Walker It’s a boy It’s a boy Mrs. Walker It’s a boy
A son, a son, a son
You Didn’t Hear It (Pete Townshend)
I’ve got a feeling twenty one Is going to be a good year Especially if you and me See it in together
So you think 21 is going to be a good year It could be for me and her But you and her – no never I had no reason to be over optimistic But somehow when you smiled I could brave bad weather
What about the boy What about the boy What about the boy He saw it all
You didn’t hear it You didn’t see it You won’t say nothing to no one Ever in your life You never heard it Oh, how absurd it All seems without any proof You didn’t hear it You didn’t see it You never heard it not a word of it You won’t say nothing to no one Never tell a soul What you know is the Truth
Christmas (Pete Townshend)
Did you ever see the faces of children They get so excited Waking up on Christmas morning Hours before the winter sun’s ignited They believe in dreams and all they mean Including heavens generosity Peeping round the door To see what parcels are for free In curiosity
And Tommy doesn’t know what day it is Doesn’t know who Jesus was or what praying is How can he be saved From the eternal grave
Surrounded by his friends he sits so silently And unaware of everything Playing poxy pin ball Picks his nose and smiles and Pokes his tongue at everything I believe in love But how can men who’ve never seen Light be enlightened Only if he’s cured Will his spirits future level ever heighten
And Tommy doesn’t know what day it is Doesn’t know who Jesus was or what praying is How can he be saved From the eternal grave. Tommy can you hear me Tommy can you hear me Tommy can you hear me How can he be saved
See me, feel me Touch me, heal me See me, feel me Touch me, heal me
Tommy can you hear me Tommy can you hear me Tommy can you hear me How can he be saved
Do You Think It’s Alright (Pete Townshend)
Do you think it’s alright To leave the boy with Uncle Ernie Do you think it’s alright He’s had a few too many tonight D’you think it’s alright
I think it’s alright Yes I think it’s alright
The Acid Queen (Pete Townshend)
If your child ain’t all he should be now This girl will put him right I’ll show him what he could be now Just give me one night I’m the Gypsy The acid Queen Pay before we start I’m the Gypsy The acid queen I’ll tear your soul apart
Give us a room and close the door Leave us for a while Your boy won’t be a boy no more Young, but not a child I’m the Gypsy The acid queen Pay before we start I’m the Gypsy The acid queen I’ll tear your soul apart
Gather your wits and hold on fast Your mind must learn to roam Just as the Gypsy Queen must do You’re gonna hit the road
My work is done now look at him He’s never been more alive His head it shakes his fingers clutch Watch his body writhe I’m the Gypsy The acid queen Pay before we start I’m the Gypsy I’m guaranteed To break your little heart
There’s a Doctor I’ve Found (Pete Townshend)
There’s a doctor I’ve found Could bring us all joy There’s a doctor I’ve found could cure the boy There’s a doctor I’ve found could cure the boy
There’s a man I’ve found could remove his sorrow He lives in this town let’s see him tomorrow He lives in this town let’s see him tomorrow
Go to the Mirror Boy (Pete Townshend)
He seems to be completely unreceptive The tests I gave him show no sense at all His eyes react to light the dials detect it He hears but cannot answer to your call
See me, feel me, touch me, heal me See me, feel me, touch me, heal me
There is no chance no untried operation All hope lies with him and none with me Imagine though the shock from isolation When he suddenly can hear and speak and see
See me, feel me, touch me, heal me See me, feel me, touch me, heal me
His eyes can hear His ears can see his lips speak All the time the needles flick and rock No machine can give the kind of stimulation Needed to remove his inner block
Go to the mirror boy Go to the mirror boy
I often wonder what he’s feeling Has he ever heard a word I’ve said Look at him now in the mirror dreaming What is happening in his head
Listening to you I get the music Gazing at you I get the heat Following you I climb the mountain I get excitement at your feet
Right behind you I see the millions On you I see the glory From you I get the opinions From you I get the story
What is happening in his head Ooooh I wish I knew, I wish I knew
Tommy Can You Hear Me (Pete Townshend)
Tommy can you hear me Can you feel me near you
Tommy can you feel me Can I help to cheer you
Smash the Mirror (Pete Townshend)
You don’t answer my call With even a nod or a twitch But you gaze at your own reflection You don’t seem to see me But I think you can see yourself How can the mirror affect you
Can you hear me Or do I surmise That you fear me can you feel my temper RISE
Do you hear or fear or Do I smash the mirror Do you hear of fear or Do I smash the mirror SMASH
I’m Free (Pete Townshend)
I’M FREE I’m free And freedom tastes of reality I’m free I’m free And I’m waiting for you to follow me
If I told you what it takes To reach the highest high You’d laugh and say, nothing’s that simple But you’ve been told many times before Messiahs pointed to the door And no one had the guts to leave the temple
I’m free I’m free And freedom tastes of reality I’m free I’m free And I’m waiting for you to follow me
How can we follow How can we follow
Welcome (Pete Townshend)
Come to my house Be one of the comfortable people Come to this house We’re drinking all night Never sleeping
Milkman come in And you baker Little old lady welcome And you shoe maker
Come to this house Into this house
Come to this house Be one of us Make this your house Be one of us
You can help To collect some more in Young and old people Lets get them all in
Come to this house Into this house
Ask along that man who’s wearing a carnation Bring every single person from Victoria Station Go into that hospital And bring nurses and patients Everybody go home and fetch their relations
Come to this house Be one of the comfortable people Lovely bright home Drinking all night never sleeping
We need more room Build an extension A colourful palace Spare no expense now
Come to this house Be one of us Come into this house Be one of us
Come to this house Into this house Welcome
Holiday Camp (Pete Townshend)
Good morning Campers I’m your Uncle Ernie And I’ll welcome you to Tommy’s Holiday Camp The camp with the difference Never mind the weather When you come to Tommy’s The holiday’s forever
We’re Not Gonna Take It (Pete Townshend)
Welcome to the Camp I guess you all know why we’re here My name is Tommy And I became aware this year
If you want to follow me You’ve got to play pinball And put in your earplugs Put on your eyeshades You know where to put the caulk
Hey you getting drunk, so sorry I’ve got you sussed Hey you smoking Mother Nature This is a bust Hey hung up old Mr. Normal Don’t try to gain my trust ‘Cause you ain’t gonna follow me Any of those ways Although you think you must
We’re not gonna take it We’re not gonna take it We’re not gonna take it We’re not gonna take it
We’re not gonna take it Never did and never will We’re not gonna take it Gonna break it, gonna shake it Let’s forget it better still
Now you can’t hear me Your ears are truly sealed You can’t speak either Your mouth is filled You can’t see nothing And pinball completes the scene Here comes Uncle Ernie to guide you to Your very own machine
We’re not gonna take it We’re not gonna take it We’re not gonna take it We’re not gonna take it
We’re not gonna take it Never did and never will Don’t want no religion And as far as we can tell We ain’t gonna take you Never did and never will We’re not gonna take you We forsake you Gonna rape you Let’s forget you better still
See me Feel me Touch me Heal me
Listening to you I get the music Gazing at you I get the heat Following you I climb the mountains I get excitement at your feet
Right behind you I see the millions On you I see the glory From you I get opinions From you I get the story