In light of the recent war in Iraq I am having a lot of trouble justifying the upkeep of this page. While I have always enjoyed the ongoing creation of this site, presently my heart and mind are not here…
I feel that I need to take a small break to get my thoughts and priorities somewhat more centered and in pespective. Those that know me will understand where I am coming from….this could take a day or two or it may be indefinitely…(I sometimes tend to fly by the seat of my pants or wear my heart on my sleeve)… Knowing me, I’ll be up and running by the end of the week…I just don’t see me abandoning something I love…and I don’t see me abandoning those of you who find it a nice diversion from the chaos we’re living in….
For those who care, I plan to throw myself outside and commune with the deer, rabbits, birds, cats, and, yes, turkeys:-) I just hope ya’ll understand that I may just need a little time and know that I’ll be back hopefully refreshed and ‘ready to begin again’…
Peace to all of you and your loved ones…
Love, Don (aka, Mister D)