New York Magazine’s 35th Anniversary – 100 People Who Changed New York


Noooooooo!!!! Bette did not make this list and it’s a shame considering some of the people who did…she did make the “IT” girl list which is great and which I published a while back…But after reading this…Ms. Midler definitely belonged here…She heavily influenced the music scene when she blasted to stardom from the gay baths and paved the way for many women entertainers…people forget how “outrageous” and “original” she was, but she persevered and became one of the, if not THE best entertainer of our era. This doesn’t even take into account the woman, herself, who has done dramatic work to improve and restore the beauty of New York. I was just rather disappointed once again by these so-called lists…

For the Full List: 100 People Who Changed New York

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