Should Bette Run For Governor of California? This was almost a tie, but the answer was “no, she should not” by a 3% margin. Ms. M has too much class to get involved in this freak show…I’d like to see her start revitalizing the public educational system…even if it would be just New York. We could then emulate her work….
What’s Your Favorite Part of Bootleg Betty? The answer to this was overwhelmingly the Daily News Updates….the second place was a tie between the Jukebox and “I Like it As a Whole”….now I know what to place less emphasis on…
Which Concert Do You Wish You Had Seen? The Winner for this was seeing Bette at the “Continental Baths” with “Clams” in second, and ETD in third….
Which Is Your Favorite Bette Single? I was pleasantly surprised at some of the rankings here. “The Rose” came in first, followed by the majestic, “To Deserve You” (my choice), with “Do U Wanna Dance” bringing up the rear….these were a close race. There was a tie for 4th…”Friends” and the ever predictable “Wind…”
Love, Mister D