Laura from the Yuk, I mean, UK:-) wanted me to remind you chaps that Jay Leno with Bette will air tonight at 10:00PM on FNL…so do what you do there and don’t miss it….it’s a very fun, energetic appearance.
On the US front…Oxygen Channel will give you the chance to see Bette’s appeareance on Ellen if you missed it the first time around…check your local listings for times…(thanks for the reminder Manilow Elf)
In other news: Carson from Queer Eye will be interviewing Bette in his column in US Weekly next issue, according to Liz Smith. Last week it was Babs…present issue Cher…next issue Bette. After that, if he gets Liza and Madonna…well his column goes poof!….LOL
Love, Mister D