I had wanted to have everything updated by tonight, but unfortunately I came down with one of those nasty migraines. Nobody is probably sitting on their computer tonight anyway…
Nonetheless, I just had to pull my booty out of bed to wish you all a very Happy New Year and hope it beats whatever kind of year you had this past year…
I don’t see how mine could get much better…this year has been awesome for me…Due to the success of this site and Mister Vilanch’s I’ve made a lot of new friends in places I never thought I would….and, dang it, if I didn’t maintain my everyday friends…didn’t lose a one this year:-)
BLB and We Got Bruce are growing in leaps and bounds that I almost need worker bees…and some of you have really come through for me….sending me photos, reviews, stories, and/or just to offer some kind support. Funny how it all comes just in time…right when I think I’ll have to retire:-) So thank you one and all…even if you come here only to read…it’s a sign I’m doing something right….
Hope everyone gets to see Bette’s show…all involved worked their asses off. Those of you who can’t go….hopefully the site will help relieve the pain somewhat….with the reviews, pics, and maybe one day, audio….at least you can experience it to some degree. And that’s what the site is all about…just a nice place to get away and experience Ms. Midler when the going gets rough:-)
I’ll try to have some new music up tomorrow and hopefully some news of her New Year’s Eve performance….
Everybody be safe and careful tonight…Happy New Year!
Much love,
Mister D