The regular updates are finished. For those of you who’ve been coming to this page forever and a day, you know what that means. For those that are new, then figure it out…just kidding…it means new music is up in the jukebox and bootlegbetty records. It also means new polls for you to vote on. Isn’t that fabulous????
Photo: Thank you Chaz (PS: I lost the article you sent me…sorry)
Other new things; I have some wallpapers up that were donated to me by 2 of the Divine Dutchies…Her Highness, The Divine Nanny Sara van Brussel and her fellow collaborator, Jaqueling…..their wallpapers are the top 2 ones. The other wallpaper is from Joshua…he will supposedly be sending more…which means I will eventually have to make a page for these artisitic endeavors. Thank you veru much ladies and gent…
The Stepford Wives has finally gone international…I’ll try to find some box office figures, but I’ve heard it is opening kind of lukewarm with the exception of Australia (natch…Nicole is from there)…it would be nice if someone could translate and send us some reviews from other countries…
In the latest Billboard magazine, there was a small profile on Bette celebrating her kick-ass tour, Kiss My Brass…she came in Number 2 for top concert grosses for the half year…David Bowie was number 1. Anyway, they mentioned again that Bette would start her Fall Tour in October…but no cities had been announced yet….
Mister V opens tonight in Los Angeles/Hollywood in the touring version of Hairspray….I’m not certain, but I do believe this will be his last stop before heading to the Broadway version in October. So you on the west coast….see him while you can. He also has a new article in The Advocate, but you can read it on We Got Bruce!
The results from the last 2 polls just taken down were:
Which Is Your Favorite Track From: No Frills?
Only In Miami 22.5%
Beast of Burden 17.6%
All I Need To Know 16.2%
Favorite Waste of Time 14.8%
Come Back Jimmy Dean 7.0%
My Eye on You 6.0%
Heart Over Head 6.0%
Is It Love? 5.6%
Soda and a Souvenir 2.5%
Let Me Drive 1.8%
Which Is Your Favorite Track From: Mud Will Be Flung Tonight?
Otto Titsling 30.8%
Fit or Fat (Fat As I Am) 23.1%
Why Bother? 16.2%
Soph 13.0%
Marriage, Movies, Madonna and Mick 10.5%
The Unfettered Boob 4.9%
Taking Aim 1.6%
Coping 0.0%
Vickie Eydie (“I’m Singing Broadway”) 0.0%
Darrell (mostly Darrell) and I are working on a website devoted to The Staggering Harlettes with some help from some of the girls themselves…we are trying to get all of them involved and so far, let’s say, it’s a good thing. We could use some help from the fans, too. We need pics from Experience The Divine, Diva Las Vegas, and The Miss Millenium Tour….so if anybody took pics and you’d like to share, please contact or email Darrell and Mister D. We really need pics of “the girls” so we can get a good idea of all the different costumes….hopefully the Miro Brothers will be creating a special page featuring costumes throughout the years…
I believe that’s it for now…
Thanks for continuing to read BLB…I’m trying to justify keeping it going in these dark, dark times….it almost seems like a luxury I can’t afford, without getting too political about it.
Stay Tuned….
Love, Mister D
PS: And yes, I’m going to Hulaween for those who have been asking…