1979 SNL episode: An Alert For Chicago area (Thank you Stiv!)

Stiv, from Chicago, wrote in to alert people in the greater Chicago area to say:

I wanted to let you know for those in the Central Time Zone city of Chicago, they have to show Extra!, followed by Showtime at the Apollo, then Entertainment Tonight. FINALLY , at 3:00 am CT (TV Guide) we get the vintage SNL episodes. I’d hate for anyone to miss it !

Oy…that’s late!!! LOL Set your VCR’s or TIVO…I’m still kind of wary about this since she’s usually edited out….but the time says it’s the full 90 minutes….so it’s worth taking the time to catch it…or tape it….Keep your fingers crossed…

Thanks to Stiv for this Windy City alert….

Love, Mister D

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