Hula-riffic Evening

Hey BetteHeads!!!

“I gotta story to tell, about a show that was swell!” Sorry Mister Kornfeld, I sparingly used a little of your lyric 🙂

Okay, I’m in a rush here since it’s my last day in NYC…we leave tomorrow morning.

Bette at Hulaween 2004

Photo: Barry Shermer

Long story short: This seemed to be the biggest Hulaween ever and MissM seemed busy, busy, busy. The most I was able to do was get your emails to her along with a few gifts that were sent in. I don’t have tons of pics this year, like previous ones, but the night had a different aura about it and I adapt and accept. I didn’t see any celebrities in the house except for Bette, Patti Labelle, Toni Basil, and Billy Crystal…. For you girls (and half you guys), I did see some hotties that may have been celebrities, but ya never know…

Some VIP people there were Richard Jay-Alexander, Eric Kornfeld, Bette Sussman, Marty Hom, Seanne Farmer, Marc Shaiman, Scott Wittman, the indomitable Ms. Liz Smith, current Harlette, Nicolette Hart, and vocalist Margaret Dorn. I’m sure there were many others, but these are just the ones I saw or talked to…

Bette was radiant…she, of course, sang “Wind Beneath My Wings” and then introduced Patti Labelle, a true diva if there ever was one. I got a real kick out of her…and I ‘ll go into that later. She chastised the audience at one point for talking and socializing while she was singing. ”

Anyway, I met a lot of Bette fans who hopefully will write me so I can include them in my story. Special thanks to Albert and Jim (ASCAP Man) for showing Barry and I a good time in New York….

Love, Mister D

PS: And a big congrats to Matt P. for finally meeting his idol, Bette!!!

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