Mister D: Another Divine Ms. M, Jamie, asked that I post this and I agree wholeheartedly with her message! 🙂
When Bette came to Philly in Jan the crowd absolutely adored her!! And you can tell she was having a great time up on that stage. We definitely made up for our “dud” the during the millennium tour 🙁
With that in mind I’d like to say to those going to the show tomorrow nite…SHOW BETTE THE LOVE!! Show Bette what a great music/entertainment town Philly is…Get up on your feet, dance, laugh encourage those around you to do the same!!
Enjoy the fact that Bette is up there pouring her heart and soul out to you. Leave all the events of this intense political race at the door and go, for the few hours you are there, have yourselves a great time!!
You can just “Bette” that’s what I will be doing….
Thanks Jamie…
Love, Mister D