You VOTED, You ELECTED Bush, So Why Are You Still WHINING!!!???
(This post is not meant to push away my republican readers, but I will not be subjected to inane emails that are meant to incite. I’m going to have my little say for those who wrote in so frought with worry over Ms. Midler’s politics and mine….Ms. Midler does not know nor necessarily does she agree with what I say. This is not an official site…so all blame lies with me…..)
I don’t know if I’m going to elaborate (well, I will) or not on the emails I’ve been getting because I made my points and said I’d keep politics off BLB…but if you keep writing me and telling me to shut up, Bette to shut up, “the people have spoken”…I may have to stop laughing at you and put you in your place if I deem you are worth the time. What’s behind your anger? Why so defensive? Do you feel guilty about something? Having second thoughts? Are those of us who didn’t vote for your little Texan just supposed to shrug our shoulders and just follow like sheep? You obviously are living in an alternate reality then…
I have republican friends and we have had heated debates, but we have remained friends. But they haven’t told me how to act or what to do now that Bush is president like some of you in your emails. I truly hope all things work out….that he reaches out to a country divided. But he ain’t startin’ off on the right track so far…and I don’t forsee it coming either. BUT I really hope he tries or else things are going to get ugly for ALL of us…NOW….
I can’t speak for Ms. Midler…she will decide on her own how she wants to handle the post-election results. But, as for me, I’m the “Karl Rove” (bet those who wrote me don’t even know who he is…LOL) of this site in that I created it, own it, and will take it in any direction I feel like (but I won’t subject you to the scum-like behaviour on which he based Bush’s campaign). If some of you don’t like it, then let me quote that exemplar of American morals, Dick Cheney: “go f**k yourself!” (he said it…that’s why Bette made a joke about it…guess some of you didn’t realize that…have ya heard of C-Span? Check it out.)
On another note, when you write me these inane letters, you are not intimidating me, you are only energizing me and many others. Your guy won by a very small margin (historically small) and as I type, news stories are breaking of voting irregularites in Ohio and Florida…other states are reporting glitches, too…so don’t gloat, unless you want to bring yourself bad luck.
To the person who had a pow wow with some of his Midler fans that called me a liberal Hollywood elitist (listenin’ to Rush are we?)…well you might be surprised to know that I was born in Mississippi, raised in Flordia, and am growing old gracefully in the middle of ole red state Tennessee….so your first lesson is not to box people in….
FYI: Georgie Boy does not have a mandate….the only man date he has is maybe with Dick Cheney when they come to my big gay 25th anniversary….bring the silver boys!!!!
Bottom line: Quit worrying about the direction I’m going in or the direction Bette or any celebrity is going in…get your priorities straight and start worrying about the direction this country is going in. Right now our young men and women overseas are facing more danger than they ever have (nice timing for the attack on Fallujah…so soon AFTER the elections) And I am so tired of people who can not understand why someone can be against an unjust war but support the troops. If your thinking is that black and white, then I just feel sorry for you …..Turn off the TV, the radio, and the pundits….read, digest ideas from many sides, think for yourself, and act….otherwise, you’re just a waste of my time…
Any more emails after this will just be deleted! I am starting a new site called Veering Left…anybody that wants to contribute to it, please contact me…looking for people that would like to write articles. It will be a liberal site and maybe we can take the word back to it’s original meaning which was a force for good…the word has been so demonized over the years mostly due to “entertainers” (bad ones, but that happens) like Rush, O’Reilly, Savage, and the list goes on….and believe me these guys have nothing on any of us when it comes to morals…
Okay…off the soapbox…this won’t happen again on here. Anyone who writes a celebrity site, official or not, expressing concern with their political direction is just baffling to me. There’s to much going on in the world for one to get wound all up in that…
I’ll admit it…I like some conservative entertainers who voice their opinion, but I don’t go all Zell Miller on their ass. You have a better chance of accomplishing something by writing your congressman, a letter to the editor, etc…
Love, Mister D