Wrap Yourself In The Divine!

Wrap Yourself In The Divine

One of Bette’s former Harlette’s, Rhae Ann Theriault (Experience The Divine, Diva Las Vegas, and The Miss Millennium Tour) is actually parting with a piece of The Divine…a beautiful faux-fur (back off Peta People!) leopard print evening coat, given to Miss Rhae Ann at the end of the “Diva Las Vegas” tour. I do believe many of us have seen the pics of Bette wearing this.

Anywho, Miss Rhae Ann is offering this divine “coat of many spots” to the highest bidder…hopefully a lucky Bette fan! OH, if only I were a girl, a female impersonator, or at least a cross-dresser, why I would be the winner! Alas, it is not to be…so if you are any of the above…or a variation of…, you might want to check out the details: Click Here!

PS: Whomever wins this (the extraordinarily talented Ms. Basil is disqualified…no more leopard spots for you!) will also receive a one-of -a-kind, special bonus gift from one of Rhae Ann’s tours with Bette. May the best “Diva” win!

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