James Matthews: What A Lovely Way To Burn

One of my favorite BetteHeads, James Matthews, whom I had the pleasure of meeting during Hulaween, is performing his cabaret act, a tribute to Peggy Lee, in New York tonight (Wed, January 19th, 9:30 PM) and next Wednesday (January 26, 9:30 PM).

James Matthews in
What A Lovely Way To Burn!:
Confessions of a Peggy Lee Fan

This sure to be fabulous show will be held at The Hideaway Room At Helen’s, 169 Eighth Ave. ( 18-19 streets). All proceeds are to benefit the Gay Gotham Chorus.

There is a $10.oo cover, $15.00 food or drink minimum. Reservations are recommended: 212-206-0609. Credit Cards are accepted.

I was really hoping I could fly up to see this, but after my last year and a half of Bette and Bruce escapades, I just can’t do it ! 🙁

Hope some of you in the area can check it out…give a fellow BetteHead some support. If you go tell him Mister D sent you! 🙂

Break a leg, James!!!

Love, Mister D

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