A Few Notes…

I should have new updates done before the end of the week. For newbies, that means new polls, new music, and maybe a video.

Darrell from Bette On The Boards has made a wonderful promo video for KMB that I hope to have up along with the other stuff. This guy is a genious…he just pieces stuff together and….wham bam…you have a music video…so be on the look out.

I’m still working on my Mister D’s Bloggorhea site but I came across a performance I did from about 15 years ago at the Cayman Islands…and it’s a pretty hoot. I channeled my inner Bette and Mick Jagger. Some of you may get a kick out of it. You can get to it if you: Click Here

Nice article on Mister V at my other site, We Got Bruce, too: Click Here If you are in the New York area, check Hairspray out…you won’t be sorry!

Love, Mister D

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