Bette In Wonderland Hamming It Up! (Thanks Wendy!)

Mister D: Wendy sent this to me. It’s the cake served at Bette’s 60th Birthday compliments of Martin. It’s really startiling to think this is a cake! BTW this is from “Alice In Wonderland.” 🙂

“I’m late, I’m late for a very important date. No time to say hello, good-bye, I’m late, I’m late, I’m late I’m late and when I wave, I lose the time I save. My fuzzy ears and whiskers took me too mych time to shave. I run and then I hop, hop, hop, I wish that I could fly. There’s danger if I dare to stop and here’s a reason why: Mister D lyric change I’m over-due, I’m in a hammy mood. Can’t believe I missed Bette’s day, so Happy, 60th Birthday to you! Aren’t you 22?”

Okay…Here It Is!:

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