Vote For Bette’s Performance
To Be Shown Again On The Grammy’s (Thanks Jonathan)

Mister D:

Update: Looks like you can vote multiple times….for the other 4 votes try voting for the one you would think might not get that many…if you want…it may help Bette…don’t know.

Jonathan B. wrote in to say that there is a voting poll on the Grammy’s website for “Greatest Grammy Moments.” Bette’s live performance of “From A Distance” in 1991 is a contender. You will have to choose 5 performances in all. The top 5 videos picked will be televised (or maybe it’s the top video….it’s not clear)

Bette’s video is on the second page. To vote you have to drag each clip to a box at the bottom of the page. Then you can make a special widget of your Top 5.

The 50th anniversary of the Grammy’s air LIVE on November 30, 2007. Let’s get Bette back on the Grammy’s — So VOTE!!!! Voting closes at midnight ET Time on October 7th!

Here is the link – remember Bette’s vid is on the second page!


Love, Mister D and Jonathan

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To Be Shown Again On The Grammy’s (Thanks Jonathan)

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