I’ve Written A Letter To…Mister D

    ArtWork: Lucy Wilkins

  • Sean from Down Under writes in to say that “Then She Found Me” will be opening in Australia around May 15th according to Dendy Cinemas. You can check out the site: Click Here
  • Lucy Wilkins, one of my beautiful artists here at BLB, wrote in to say that Channel 10 in Australia called her back to say that the last Oprah show that Bette appeared on in the US, will most likely air on Monday the 21st. So all you BetteHeads down under, keep an eye out for that.
  • Robert wrote in to say that he saw “Then She Found Me” at the AFI International Film Festival in Dallas, TX on opening night. He stated that Jeff D’s review of the movie was right on the money.

    Bette was “unusually low-key” and played her character with great balance.

    Robert also took some pics of Helen Hunt’s arrival (I’ll put in the BetteHead Scrapbook) and posted a small video of it on You Tube. To see Helen Hunt: Click Here

  • Bri-Guy from Bette Lyrics pointed out that Kelly Clarkson’s performance of Bette’s “Stuff Like That There” was voted the number 2 best performance in 7 seasons of American Idol in an Entertainment Weekly online poll. Here’s the clip: Click Here
  • Jacob from www.helenhunt.org wrote in to tell us that Ms. Hunt was in Ashland, OR to promote TSFM and was asked about Bette. She had this to say:

    Hunt: You see this film and you think about The Rose, and you think about these broad comedies, and then I just saw her in Vegas, and you think about her singing in bathhouses, and you think OK, the size of the talent is to not be underestimated. And there were times when I was sure I had the way a scene should be played and she would show up with a different idea and probably the smartest thing I did was to put my idea away and let her do her thing. A couple of her best moments are totally hers and not anything I had planned at all.

  • I wrote to myself that Richard Knight, Jr, Chicago’s best film critic, an objective BetteHead, and a talented performer in his own right, has finally opened his long awaited website, The Movie Queens…I really think ya’ll should check it out. There’s a snippet of a Bruce Vilanch interview in the demo and a longer version in the mini-episode. Also, the full length interview with Bruce will include some Bette related material (they talked about her in “The Rose” and “For the Boys”). Take a look: Click Here Anyway, if you’re a movie buff who likes their films looked at from a queer perpsective, check out the site. Also check out Richard’s other site “Knight At The Movies”: Click Here
  • bb

  • Somehow I was invited to a press screening of “Then She Found Me” in New York where I hope to find out if that makes it any different from seeing the movie at a regular screening. I think not. Of course, who do you call when you can’t afford that type of trip???…..your MOTHER! OY! So she will be going too…what a handful!

    We’ll also be having lunch with Ms. Elinor Lipman, the author of “Then She Found Me.” I hope my classiness doesn’t bowl her over! 🙂 If anybody wants me to ask her questions about the movie and such, send me your questions and I’ll see if I can get them answered. Remember, she wrote the book, not the movie, therefore she was not on the set.

  • Also, the interview with Mr. Kornfeld (one of Bette’s comedy writers) is going swimmingly and I think you’ll find it very interesting and entertaining.
  • Oy! I’ve put a 5 star rating system on the right hand sidebar. Please rate Bootleg Betty and the job you think I’m doing. My main goal is to keep you informed to the best of my ability on Ms. Midler. In the process, I wanted to make the page entertaining, fun, thought-provoking, and such. Anyway, I’d appreciate it if you’d take the time to click a star….well, hopefully the 5th star… 🙂

Love, Mister D

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5 thoughts on “I’ve Written A Letter To…Mister D

  1. Mister D, I will always rate you 5 stars, this is the best site, I don’t know what I would do with out it, I would still be in the dark about all things Bette Midler. I am saving to go to Vegas early next year so all the information I am getting is going to be very useful. Thank you again keep up the great work. Sharon xx Australia

  2. Mr. D!!! as Sharon said, you always get 5 stars in my book!! I have been on Bootlegbetty since you started it. Thank you for all of the hard work you do for us. 🙂
    I have a question for Ms. Lipman.
    How does she feel about having her work , reworked for the screen? Also, when handing her story over to be redone, is it like watching your child go off to college and knowing it is no longer yours but may grow in unexpected ways? 🙂 Thank you !!

  3. Thank Sharon and Andy for the 5 stars. I actually know BLB is not that perfect, but I have to tell you what hell it’s been….you wouldn’t believe the unspeakable acts and horrid things I’ve had to do to get information…..it’s maddening!!!! 🙂

    Just kidding….but you both get 5 hugs and 5 kisses from me. I’m not so sure that’s a great prize though….:-) xxxxx ooooo


  4. Really my only question for Ms. Lipman is who was the character of Bernice modeled after? She’s so vivacious and outlandish. Did she write the character with a star in mind, or was it based on someone from her own life?

  5. Thanks Lora:

    Great Question…..

    You too, Andy……

    I may just ask her for an interview. The lunch was just a get to know you kind of thing. We’ve been corresponding for almost a year now.

    So thanks for the input….

    Love, D

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