Our very own long-term BetteHead, Spence aka Daisy Bucket, has joined The Kinsey Sicks, America’s Favorite Dragapella Beautyshop Quartet. He will be the new Trampolina, previously played by Chris Dilley.
The Kinsey Sicks will be going on tour beginning in October, so if they make it to your area make sure to go see them perform and also give your support to Spence. This is an awesome door that has opened up to him. Anyway, here are the current dates:
October 20: Texas Tech, Lubbock, TX
October 29: SUNY/Oneonta, New York
October 30: The Birchmere, Alexandria, VA
October 31: Univ. of Mary Washington, Fredericksburg, VA
November 1: Point Park College, Pittsburgh, PA
November 5-8: The Theater Offensive, Cambridge, MA
November 12: University of South Carolina
You can keep up with all things Kinsey Sicks by visiting their official site: Click Here
Also, here is a little ‘medley’ of clips from the Bette Tribute Show Spence did back in March!!! Enjoy
Break a leg, Spenceroo!!!!
Love, Mister D
Thanks, Mister D!!!
So I bought “Then She Found Me” on DVD today and watched it but I have to make a few complaints…(and this is the best place I think to do it).
*The English subtitles giving us the translations of the Jewish prayers. It’s inconsistent because at one point they translate the waiter in the lunch scene. When a song comes in later (after Helen gets the bad news from the doctor), there is no translation. And then, worse: when Helen’s character prays in the doctor’s office (after one of my favorite scenes with Bette), they give us the translation and then Helen actually tells Bette what it means. I understand people that don’t know the religion might question what it all means but I feel like I’m watching an educational video.
*2nd thing…maybe it’s just my DVD…but the scene where Helen lies down next to Colin Firth in the kids’ bedroom, it looks like her eyes go all “Titanic passenger”. Does anyone else see this? Maybe I’m crazy!!!
Maybe there’s way to take the titles off, not sure, but since they didn’t show them in the movie theater I don’t know why they put it on the DVD.
🙂 I also found out that October 4th, we will be playing Colorado Springs.