Bette’s UK Visit

I’ve learned that Bette’s UK visit will be more of a press junket for print mags and newspapers. There is a chance that she will do a show called “Strictly Come Dancing” but it is not confirmed and may be a long shot. Sorry UK….I know this is not what you wanted to hear. Whatever happens, it will be in September.

Love, MIster D

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10 thoughts on “Bette’s UK Visit

  1. it is fairly popular and gets a lot of press coverage, it’s various semi famous people teamimg up with a pro dancer and dancing it out to the final before one couple is picked. i don’t watch it, honest but it has been around for a few years now. thanks for keeping us all informed we don’t get to hear much here until it’s often too late! x

  2. We have a show like that here called “Dancing with the Stars” and it’s really popular. Anyway, if that’s the show they are working on, I hope they confirm it….

    Love. D

  3. i would have preferred her to be rumoured as going on the X Factor, as that is much more popular. But oh well, something’s better than nothing 😀

  4. Shame!

    All the tickets for the show have gone- I thought maybe she would do the Alan tishmarsh show as he done her garen with Groudforce- my soucre says no such luck.

    I have emailed the Paul O’Grady show and no reply back this is something she may do- Paul plays ‘Friends’ during the show on a montage of his previous guests.

    Please keep us updated MR D!!!

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