BetteHead Julia To Marry Art D. October 18, 2008

Mister D:

I don’t usually do this, but I just had to congratulate this beautiful couple on their upcoming nuptuals on October 18.

I’ve known Julia for over 4 years, on-line and off-line. I feel like I know Art, too, because Miss Thing would never shut up about him, as if I cared to hear about him! Julia is so beautiful inside and out that, heck, I even wanted a shot at her…so what if I’m gay. That’s just a minor hump to get over in a marriage, right?. But anyway, she picked Art, and he does turn out to be the perfect choice for Julia.

I’ve only been to one wedding, so I really don’t know what to do or say….so congratulations and may you have a wonderful life together as long as you both may live. Barry and I recently celebrated (actually we both forgot!) our 26th anniversary together. Of course, in the eye of the law, we’re not married, but in our reality we are. So I’m just ripe for advice if either of you ever need it….LOL

Anyway, I found this great poem that I will leave with you. I don’t know who wrote it…it’s anonymous, but I thought it to be appropriate:

What is Marriage?

What is marriage?
Marriage is more than the exchange of rings
and the sharing of a household;
It is much more than just living together.
It is the desire to truly want to know and
understand another human being;
to feel and share in that person’s
happiness, as well as their pain.
Marriage is to never feel alone;
but rather, to know that you always
have a friend; a partner in life that
you can laugh and cry with.
To know that you always have that
special someone to share your
innermost thoughts and fears,
and know that you will be heard.
Marriage is helping your partner to be
the absolute best that they can be,
while still being able to experience
your own need and goals.
Marriage is love;
true love that goes far beyond passion;
It is a love that you can reach for
in times of crisis as well as joy,
and know it will be there
to comfort and to share.

I think that poem sums up marriage pretty well. I wish nothing but the best for the two of you. I ask everyone who reads BLB to remember the 18th and make a toast to this divine couple. If not for them, then just do it as an excuse to get drunk! 🙂

Congrats Julia and Art!


Don “Mister D” Bradshaw

Share A little Divinity

3 thoughts on “BetteHead Julia To Marry Art D. October 18, 2008

  1. Oh Mr. D! You will always be my Bette mistress! Thank you so much for this, you make me feel SO special!

    Don’t worry, we’re going to change that stupid law too!


  2. I got married on the 18th of October 1986. Didn’t last for me but got a great red headed wonder child from the relationship. My best to Julia and Art, I know you will have a wonderful success together.

    Miss Jane

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