Mister D:
I just installed a chat box for those of you that like to do that kind of thing. I have no idea how it really works, but some of you may have fun playing with it. It’s in the right hand sidebar towards the top…right below where Bush is sitting on the toilet. Oldest messages are at the top…newest at the bottom…
I won’t be participating that much on it, but will check it every once in awhile. If you have important questions, just email me. I think this chat box is for fun chatter….LOL
I am so old!
Love, Mister D
PS: I may be off today…..terrible migraine developing….hope you try it out and it works 🙂
PSS: Thanks for the pic Ron
i love the new Chat thing,
Something else to enjoy on this site 😀
Hayley xx
Well get some people to chat with you. I’m not a chatter, but I know the Betteheads love to talk… 🙂
Wow! I thought I was the only lucky soul to have found that pic (YEARS ago) I think it was in JFK Jr’s magazine w/an aritcle of Bette & NRYP.
She sits framed on my desk and watches over me 😉
As a matter of fact, there have been a few BetteHeads who have visited my house and tried to make a quick get-away with this pic.
I think you’re right about the JFK thing and I can only imagine who tried to steal it…okay I’ll be good.. 🙂
I know who you’re thinking of and you are CORRECT!!!
LOL…I had to report on him when he deleted some recent information I posted about Bette on that “official” Yahoo Club…the powers that be weren’t too pleased….
Love, D
First: WOW! If the haird was like that, I just loved it. The coolest hair ever! 🙂
Second: Let it go, Mister D…:-) It only gives us terrible migraines…you are above it all, babe.
Tks for the pic Ron! 🙂