Mister D: We all know Ms. Steele as Bette’s background vocalist, but there’s much, much more going on with this talented young lady. Check out her new website today and see the bright future that lies before her. Here’s a note from Shayna to all you Betteheads and fans:
Hi Friends and Fans-
I want to welcome you to visit my new website! I’m so excited and I’ve put so much work and love into the site. I hope you love it just as much as I do!
Visit www.shaynasteele.com to see pictures, video, buy music and see the latest news, show schedule and release date for my upcoming album!
If you don’t see the site right away, it will certainly be up by the end of the day.
Spread the word! Happy 2009, friends!
Much love,
-Shayna Steele
Remember the new site is: www.shaynasteele.com As Ms. Steele stated above, if you don’t see it right away keep checking back. It should be up by the end of the day.
Also watch for my upcoming interviews with Shayna and The Harlettes this March. Should be fun.
love the site, it looks amazing. good job 🙂
I bookmarked it
It’s awesome. I love the music. My booty is dancing in my seat as I’m working….LOL
congratulations, shayna! cheers to your success!
yay for my girl!!!