Poll, Tales, And Bitching, Oh My!

Hey ladies and germs,

  • I just put up a new poll to vote on…yay say the people!
  • If you didn’t get a chance over the weekend, make sure to read Ray Cooper’s latest Bette story installment, The Divine Miss Mill. His stories are always great fun and fascinating reads.
  • Lately, it seems that some people are getting testy (reminds me of testes) with me about Vegas dates and their appointment schedules and reservations. I feel for you, but this is not my problem. I’m lucky I can get us advance notice in the first place otherwise you’d be finding out about ticket sales the day they go on sale. I don’t make these rules and neither does Ms. Midler. If you want to take your frustrations out on anyone then call Caesar’s Palace or Ticketmaster — the corporations who are in charge of all this. As soon as Ms. Midler’s organization finds out, I usually find out and let you know as soon as possible anything that’s printable. So as they say, don’t kill the messenger. I’m not the bad guy here. All I do is try to bring you the most accurate information as soon as possible. Thanks for letting me vent just a little.


Mister D

Share A little Divinity

9 thoughts on “Poll, Tales, And Bitching, Oh My!

  1. Mr Ray,
    Big smooches to you too for all of your wonderful Bette stories. I owe you a return email and I promise it will be coming soon. Currently, I am busy cleaning & greening Philly (it’s ALL Bette’s fault 😉 ) and out running my ass but, I will make time for you soon.
    I am looking for the pic of us with Albert from one of the Hulaween events we were at together. As soon as I find it I will email it to you.

  2. my dryer sucks..I’m pretty sure it’s your fault.
    p.s I think we need a Mister D appreciation day..for keeping us Bette heads in the loop..and for all the other stuff he says he does!! Love ya MR.D.

  3. “All I do is try to bring you the most accurate information as soon as possible. Thanks for letting me vent just a little”

    Thank you Mr D
    I think you do an amazing job on the site and just wanted to say that.
    Big hug from the other side of the pond.

  4. Thank you guys and gals. To answer or rather expound on Eric’s statement…it wasn’t so much my “lack of hard work” but my inability to predict the future on most of these complaints. I can only give you what I’m given. Not everyone can be Nostrodamus (sp)…:-)


    Sorry I broke your dryer Chef Bev!!!

  5. Mr D-

    You are my newswire to all things Bette and without you I would have no idea what was going on at all. So thank you so much for keeping all of us plugged in! Most of us very much appreciate you and your “connection,” despite your inability to predict the future of Vegas entertainment. 😉


  6. you’re doing a fastastic job MISTER D! I think people don’t know where to go with their “testyness”, so they pick you because you’re the only one available or the only one answering. don’t take it personal but let me know if there are any tuchas I can kick for you 🙂

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