Trashy Ladies Medley – 1975 – Bette Midler – Cher

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3 thoughts on “Trashy Ladies Medley – 1975 – Bette Midler – Cher

  1. In the book Still Divine by mark bego or something he wrote that there are a lot of unreleased demos from the songs for the new depression era. I love lo-fi and the Songs For The New Depression moods, do u have info? 8^)

    1. Yeah…there are quite a few songs that she wrote that never saw the light of day. Not sure if we’ll ever get to hear them or not. Maybe posthumously. Here’s a list I started compiling of songs that Bette herself co-wrote…some were intended for Songs For The New Depression. But, anyway, you can see she’s written quite a few songs that have never seen the light of day:

  2. I already love Blueberry Pie, Jimmy Dean, Fiesta In Rio, Hurricane(!), Let’s Shoot The Breeze, Mr. Rockefeller, Oh Industry, Otto Titsling, Samedi et Vendredi, and You’re Moving Out Today. Some of the other titles sound so good. I thought I had heard Steal Away Again by Bette but can’t find it now. Sometimes demos are the best, more intimate! Intimately, Bette – the new box set

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