Sorry, what I meant was it was 1985 on the Johnny Carson Tonight Show, that was the video I was looking for. I was not correcting you, I would never
I have looked on youtube for Bette doing Skylark on his show, but haven’t found it before.
And I’m embarrassed to say I have never been to your video page on this site before. At least I don’t remember it. Getting older, shit.
OMG, so much to watch. I also just saw your video page, if that’s the right term, on youtube. More Bette to watch, yes, it helps make up for not being able to see her concert this time around.
Thanks for EVERYTHING you do for us old BetteHeads!!!!
And again, I Love the Drinking Again video. Made my evening!
Ok…I get what you’re saying. Didn’t mean to come off sounding like a twit either…lol. With the Tonight show I always use the hosts name since there have been a few and their personalities make a difference. Glad you found the Skylark video. I love that one. xx
I’ve never seen this! Absolutely love when something like this pops up. I’ve heard about this performance for decades and finally get to see it. Days like these, I’m extra thankful for you, for bootlegbetty AND youtube! Thanks Don!
This brought back such memories for me. I was in my freshman year at college and had to block all the guys from changing the channel in the dormitory lounge to see this performance. It was the same night she did Lullaby of Broadway and BWBB, too. Needless to say, I was on cloud nine and from what I could tell the rest of the guys that stuck around to watch enjoyed it as well. Of course she was hot, hot, hot at that point in the music scene. Rolling Stone magazine must have had a bug planted in her ass because she was always in their gossip pages…or random notes section, as they liked to call it. xx
Just lovely. One of my favorite songs. Don’t think I’ve seen this before. By any chance do you have her singing Skylark from 1985?
yeah i just posted it the other day.
On The Tonight Show that is.
It was always Johnny Carson to me.
Sorry, what I meant was it was 1985 on the Johnny Carson Tonight Show, that was the video I was looking for. I was not correcting you, I would never
I have looked on youtube for Bette doing Skylark on his show, but haven’t found it before.
And I’m embarrassed to say I have never been to your video page on this site before. At least I don’t remember it. Getting older, shit.
OMG, so much to watch. I also just saw your video page, if that’s the right term, on youtube. More Bette to watch, yes, it helps make up for not being able to see her concert this time around.
Thanks for EVERYTHING you do for us old BetteHeads!!!!
And again, I Love the Drinking Again video. Made my evening!
Ok…I get what you’re saying. Didn’t mean to come off sounding like a twit either…lol. With the Tonight show I always use the hosts name since there have been a few and their personalities make a difference. Glad you found the Skylark video. I love that one. xx
I’ve never seen this! Absolutely love when something like this pops up. I’ve heard about this performance for decades and finally get to see it. Days like these, I’m extra thankful for you, for bootlegbetty AND youtube! Thanks Don!
This brought back such memories for me. I was in my freshman year at college and had to block all the guys from changing the channel in the dormitory lounge to see this performance. It was the same night she did Lullaby of Broadway and BWBB, too. Needless to say, I was on cloud nine and from what I could tell the rest of the guys that stuck around to watch enjoyed it as well. Of course she was hot, hot, hot at that point in the music scene. Rolling Stone magazine must have had a bug planted in her ass because she was always in their gossip pages…or random notes section, as they liked to call it. xx
This is new to me as well, love it, love Lounge Act Bette.