Bette Midler On Her Father: “My father never went to see my performances. I think he saw The Rose on television, and he saw me on the Johnny Carson Show., but he just wasn’t interested. He didn’t like popular culture…

Bette Midler On Her Father: “My father never went to see my performances. I think he saw The Rose on…

Crystal Awards – Bette Midler – Diane Keaton – Steve Martin

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BetteBack December 19, 1995: First Wives Club Begins Filming

Northwest Florida Daily News December 19, 1995 Triple threats Diane Keaton, Bette Midler and Goldie Hawn will share the sound…

Bette Midler On Success: “I didn’t die from it, I’m proud to say. I did survive it. And I survived it by being basically kind of cynical. I never let it go to my head…

Bette Midler On Success: “I didn’t die from it, I’m proud to say. I did survive it. And I survived…

The Lottery Starring Bette Midler 1989

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BetteBack December 4, 1995: Mandy Patinkin Backs Out Of ‘First Wives’ Club’

Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph December 4, 1995 Mandy Patinkin was supposed to have been shooting a big screen movie next…