BETTE IN SANDYLAND! Bette visited with Sandra Bernhardt on her Sirius show Sandyland on April 14. You can listen to…
Day: June 8, 2016
On Regretting Her Choice To Become A Film Star: “When I tried to put my own spin on ‘Jinxed’ I was completely trashed as someone who didn’t know what she was doing. That was a terrible lesson to learn…
On Regretting Her Choice To Become A Film Star: “When I tried to put my own spin on ”˜Jinxed’ I…
2008 – Celeb Watch – ‘The Show Girl Must Go On’- Bette Midler
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BetteBack June 21, 1996: Songs from ‘Hunchback’
Syracuse Herald Journal June 21, 1996 Knigh^Ridder News Service With Broadway turning revivals of things like “The King and I”…
On Regretting Her Choice To Become A Film Star: “When I watched my HBO special, Diva Las Vegas, I realized I’ve been a fool. I realized that I should have been doing my own stage work all these years…
On Regretting Her Choice To Become A Film Star: “When I watched my HBO special, Diva Las Vegas, I realized…
BetteBack June 9, 1996: Dennis Farina Gets First Movie Lead Role in “That Old Feeling”
Elyria Chronicle Telegram June 9, 1996 Veteran villain Dennis Farina took a punch in the nose from John Travolta in”Get…