Why I Can’t Post The Hulaween Songs…

I got this comment from Hilary:

Dear Don:

I think your readers would want to know that on Friday, Nov 2, 2001 you replied in an e-mail regarding the copying and distribution of this music this exact phrase
I won’t Copy–promise!!!”
I don’t know about you but where I come from when someone makes a promise THEY KEEP IT!!!!!

If you would like to see said e-mail I would be more than happy to supply it…Aloha

Mister D to Readers:

With that said, you can see why I can’t post the Hulaween songs. I don’t remember the “not copying” promise, but I don’t deny it. (In other words, I can see myself saying it) Plus I believe Hil that she has an e-mail from me stating it. There’s no reason for her to lie.

So I apologize for putting them up in the first place…because I did make a promise. However, I don’t apologize for thinking that it is petty, vindictive, and rather ugly in spirit.

Some of you have written in that you have audios of the New York, New York benefit that weren’t present at the gala. If so, and you don’t mind sharing with the other Bette fans…well that would be great….

Thanks for listening..Hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving…

Love, Mister D

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