Note Of Appreciation….To The BetteHeads

Thanks to those who are participating in the survey and polls…it really helps me get a handle on things. Sorry the survey got cut off so quick, but that was due to lack of funds. I decided to shell out the money, so you may be getting a more in depth poll in the future if you don’t mind. It’s only to benefit both you and I in the long run. I don’t know what the hell I’m doing, I’m just winging it day by day and ya’ll seem to follow me for better or for worse and I thank you so much for that.

I guess our primary disagreement is over the artsy fartsy photos which I love doing as a creative outlet, but I’ll try to cut back on those for your sake. There’s just not much going on, so it gave me something to do.

I’ve tried to put pressure on the home office about the Sweet Baby Jesus movie to get that confirmed. The press is so heavy on it that I just can’t imagine that they are making this shit up. Hopefully I’ll get word soon. If I don’t hear back, then I’m guessing the rumor is true and they are waiting for to announce it on their own time for some special reason. As of yet, there is no word of a new CD or a grand opening of Bette’s new website, so it looks like you and me kids for awhile. Also I’ll be provding updates to Darrell’s fabulous website Bette on the Boards….make sure to check it out for a lot of the rarer material. You won’t be disappointed.

Thanks again for your time and dedication. I still need more survey takers for it to mean anything, but I’ve had quite a good turn out. About 50 more people would make it legit….so take it dammit! It’s a few posts down….

It’s early in the morning….I’m going to get ready to have a reunion with some old friends while on vacation. Next time you hear from me, you might not be able to decipher what I write, if you catch my driferoo…. 🙂

Love, Mister D

PS: I just heard back from the home office and they are saying Bette is not confirmed for the movie Sweet Baby Jesus no matter what you have read so far….

PSS: And thanks to those who are trying out the new status/tool bar at the bottom of the page. I appreciate it….

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5 thoughts on “Note Of Appreciation….To The BetteHeads

  1. I’m glad to hear that Sweet Baby Jesus is still not confirmed on her part. That means there is at least hope… I prefer her not to be in a movie at all over being in a bad one; it’s not really Scorsese calling for the long gone Lotte-Lenya-project;
    or a dark thriller to make ammends for Misery…

  2. 1) Nice pic of yours above:)

    2) I enjoyed the survey but as you said it was cut off due to lack of funds (maybe we can contribute to that at some point:))

    3) I had the time to visit the betteonboard website and I enjoyed reading some of the materials there which I was not aware of (mostly 70s and early 80s when I have not “met” the Divine Miss M yet:)). I enjoyed reading those better than what I should be reading for my research papers:) (lol!).

    4) You mentioned we’re having a “slow” period so far as Bette activities are concerned — just want to let you know you have turned me into a bootlegbetty addict so I will always be visiting and reading and cherishing everything that’s in here:)

    5) I really miss Bette and hope to see her in a cd launch, in a concert, movie, tv, etc. sooon!:) lol!

    Take care, Mr. D! We love ya, you know:)

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