The Stepford Wives and the Spanish Position (Thank You Visur (Eze), The Spanish One!!!)

Mister D: Visur wrote in to send BLB the link to The Stepford Wives Box Office rankings in Spain…a healthy number 4

The Stepford Wives (Spain)

“Here in Spain, the translation (RE-NAMED) of “The Stepford Wives” is “Las Mujeres Perfectas”: “The Perfect Women”. ”

Anywho…I found this very interesting and very much appreciate the information. Thank you Visur!!!

I also would like to add that the total box office domestic and international combined has the SW’s raking in about 80, 000.00 so far….it looks like it will make it’s money back, especially after it comes out on DVD and hits the cable networks…

Love, Mister D

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