Mister D:
I just wanted to say that while I do like to use the feature “Funny Photos” a lot, I am smart enough to know that they are for the most part never funny….just different. I just wanted to clear that up. I didn’t want you to think that I was sitting here laughing at these photos I was putting up like an idiot…not that I care what you think. I mean, I do, to a certain extent, and this is one of those occasions.
There are just some things I find visually interesting but that doesn’t relate to funny, ya dig? Mama getting testy! Now if you think they are funny, more power to you. You’re easily amused and that’s a good thing. You’ll probably lead a long and prosperous, not to mention, healthy life. So bravo to you.
Glad we had this little chat. I felt I needed to get that off my chest! 🙂
Love, Mister D
Is this super necessary? Why do people care what you think is funny?
Not necessary…I just felt like writing about it…LOL
Oh Mr. D. You gave me the giggles with this.
Thanks, Mr. D:) You are funny, LOL!
Of course we love everything you put here <3
Thank you!