Mister D: I know everyone is starved for some Bette news or Bette-To-Do’s or just anything with her name in it, on it, around it….
Fortunately, Darrell has put up a massive amount of information on his site….stuff to read, hear, and view. I copy/pasted his update stuff because….well, I’m lazy yet also swamped with work….but that makes no nevermind!
Photo: Douglas Kirkland
Also, can you believe that Jimi Hendrix played the gay card to get out of going to Vietnam????? I always knew he was singing “excuse me while I kiss the guy,” in that song Purple Haze….but ya know, back then, nobody took me seriously like they do now!!! 🙂
Also check out Brandon Hall’s site…this crafty little dude is making some cute videos…some Bette-related, some not…but check it out…I can’t wait to learn….who wants to teach me???
For all the stuff below, check out www.betteontheboards.com
Bette On The Boards
July 31, 2005
New Musical Express – February 17, 1973
In Touch – July 1974
Cue – January 20, 1978
The Australian Woman’s Weekly: March 7, 1979
Ms – December 1983
The 28th Annual Tony Awards – April 12, 1974
TThe Staggering Harlettes Updates
Rhae Ann Theriault
Rhae and I have been working on this all week, we’ve got a great new biography, a stunning photo gallery with many wonderful photos backstage during her time with Bette, and also a few amazing video clips to watch as well. We hope you’ll check it out.
Franny McCartney
I had the pleasure of meeting Franny while down in LA and was able to get a great up-to-date biography from her and a wonderful publicity photo to add to the page. Be sure to check her out as well when you’re done here..
Also be sure to check out
The Brandon Hall Show
Brandon has edited together a few commercials on his website.
I think he’s done a wonderful job, especially for being his first attempts at editing. Way go to Brandon, you did great.
Darrell Redmond Photography
This is just a small collection of some photos that I’ve taken over the years. I put them online to share with friends, but thought I’d share them here as well. Hope you like them.
Mister D: Also check out my puny little Rumor Alert page…I’ll do my best to squash, confirm, or guestimate any Bette rumors…but don’t ask me any personal stuff cause I will just play dumb and blonde…oh I forgot…that’s just me!!!! 🙂
However, right now it’s not a big secret that Bette has recorded a new CD for Sony/BMG with Barry Manilow at the producer’s helm again. This time it’s a hot, sultry batch of Peggy Lee songs and I can’t wait. Expect a Fall Release…at least that’s what they’re shooting for. Song List will come soon, altho I have an idea of what to expect. Where did I get this info? Fanilows, Peggy Lee-ites, BetteHeads, and record industry moles!!! 🙂 I guess this all could change, but for now it’s pretty set in stone.
Love, Mister D