E. T. To Show “The Women” Trailer Tonight?

Prince Charming wrote in to say he read on The Women forum board (IMDB I presume) that the trailer will be shown on Entertainmnent Tonight. In other news, it’s supposed to be shown in most theaters (as a trailer) before “Sex And The City.” Anybody who sees this, please keep us updated……

Love, Mister D

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14 thoughts on “E. T. To Show “The Women” Trailer Tonight?

  1. I saw Sex and the City Last night.
    ‘The Women’ tailer was before hand, Just less than a second of Bette near the end. I was wathcing it thinking this film is rubbish! The Bette came on screen- I screamed and now my friend wont come to the cinema again with me!

  2. Chaz – that is too, too funny. I probably would have done the same thing…..I think Bette’s part is really small…

  3. Hey

    I dont know if they will show the trailer, but they will talk about the movie tonight on ET

    I saw Bette too, they showed her for a second

    So all you watch ET tonight


  4. Thank you Mihai…hope I can catch it. It usually comes on really late here. And I’m too old to stay up. LOL


  5. I’m seeing a midnight showing of “Sex & the City” in Kansas City tonight. In all honesty, I’m more excited for this trailer than the movie I’m going to see… 🙂

  6. Well the first preview was “The Women” and it looks SOOOO funny!!! Bette is shown in a clip so quick if you blink, you’ll miss it (if you’ve seen stills of what she looks like, you’ll know what to look for).

    As for “Sex & The City”…I never got into the show so hoped that the movie would be something I could follow without it and while, yes – I could….the movie was 2 and a 1/2 hours…and, yes, it’s a fashion show..and yes, there are REALLY cheesy sappy lines…I laughed in a few moments but otherwise, it seemed like a sad attempt to do something for a younger “First Wives Club” -they had their dining socials and there’s even an auction at Christie’s!…with First Wives, though, the lead actresses were already well known movie stars and comediennes. The first hour of the movie is hope and the second hour of the movie is “woe is me”…I guess I’m just not all that sentimental. I’d think, having watched the film, I’m most like Miranda….yikes…

  7. I’m going to se “Sex and the City” tonight….and i’m so excited for “The Women” trailer yay!

  8. Have a great time Jamie…I finally get to take Barry to see “Then She Found Me” It just started playing in Nashville today….yay!!!!

    Can’t wait to see The Women trailer, but I can’t find anybody who will go with me to SATC….

    Love, Don

  9. So…I went to see “SATC” and it was absolutely fabulous…I believe I saw the lady who plays “Connie” in “Bette” the series show up in a small cameo.

  10. CONNIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, she was in it Jamie…LOL Did the trailer play for The Women?

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