Bette On “The View” (Thank You Katrin!)

Mister D: So far I can’t get them to play. It may be that something is wrong with Red Lasso’s server. So try later if it doesn’t work.

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12 thoughts on “Bette On “The View” (Thank You Katrin!)

  1. ok bette said that 3 months ago, she received her wedding photos. u’m she said that same story on the view in december of 2006. i smell a lie.

  2. Maybe she meant 3 years….who knows? I still can’t believe that interview where she said she wished she recorded a Dylan song….or couldn’t remember if she did….LOL Buckets of Rain and I Shall Be Released.

  3. Hi!!,
    In my opinion she wanted to say “not long ago”. She looks so good!!!!!!!!. It’s incredible she is on her sixties, she looks younger, and so pretty…. And She sings better than ever!!!, her performing of “When a Man Loves a Woman” on the Tonight Show was so amazing, incredible!!!. The Best Bette!!!!.



  4. re: bette photos …it’s just seems to be another vilanch one liner.. who knows if it is even gets a laugh and that’s all that matters.

  5. hey,
    I just read all your comments about the photo thing,
    I’m not entirly sure why she said that but i just thought of something,
    Bette said a good few years ago,
    “I never know how much of what i say is true”
    and at this point i totally agree coz if she doesn’t know then we are clueless!

    thanks for the video, ly all

  6. Wonderful performance:-) Listen guys, I’m kinda of new Bette’s fan and I recently bought her 1979 album ‘Thighs and Whispers’… I LOVE ‘Married Man’:-) Can anyone tell me if our girl has ever sung this one live! I can’t find a live version 🙁 THANKS and great website, by the way!!

  7. “I`m alive!”. So, am I, Don!!!!! I still didn`t get a decent internet connection in this place in the middle of nowhere, but soon I will! LOL! Love you.

  8. OMG. Just got back from Vegas!! Saw Bette’s show last night and cried my eyes out, as usual!! She kills it! Brought along 5 friends who just about died from the excitement, so I’ve converted a bunch of newbies into bona fide fans! And I got a great haul from her shop at Ceasars! Go Bette!!!

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