Okay, I didn’t put up new music, polls(can’t think of any) nor Mr. Cooper’s new story, but I had an assload of company this weekend…I mean, someone even used my computer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is just not done in MY household, but sometimes we have to share (shit on the person whoever came up with that concept!) 🙂
Anyway, I’m going to try and do all that today IN ONE SITTING. I alread have my bedpan and catheter entrenched ( it could happen). No I will be taking breaks, because I know in my heart of hearts, you would not show me the same dedication and perseverance…(did I spell that last word correctly? Who gives a fuck!)
Okay…now I have a lot of work to do, so see ya later. In the meantime, I have a favor to ask. If you’re on FaceBook, please, I”m begging you to become my friend. I’m crying right now: Click Here and then join the Bootleg Betty network … I have no idea what it means or what I get or least importantly what you get…just join it: Click Here
Now let me do what I do best…work for you!!!
Love, Mister D
Isn`t that from “Alice in Wonderland”? One of Bette`s favorite books, by the way…:-)
Yes!!!!! I’m so glad someone said something…and it was my own little Cris!
Love, Don