From Sweden: Beast Of Burden (Thanks Luis Florenz)

“Did you see her hair??????” (from The Rose)

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12 thoughts on “From Sweden: Beast Of Burden (Thanks Luis Florenz)

  1. Bette was the original One have the beehive and thats where Amy Winehouse got it from LOL,
    I love this but it is annoying when they make her mime,
    and she messes up 🙁
    she adds a random “Baby” on to the end of one of the lines LOL
    But those moves are soo………. erm well you know,
    Im just glad she stopped duin em haha

    Hayley xx

  2. What a good observation about the hair. I would never have thought about that….Miss M…way ahead of her time…. 🙂

  3. WOW!

    That’s a lot of hair, I haven’t seen that much hair on a person since I saw the amount of hair on the back of a Greek Drag Queen!


  4. And the same blessed soul put up the two episodes that didn`t make it. At least not in Brazil. 😛 Thank you!!!!!

  5. Well, being an Amy fan (and wishing she will be better soon!) I had the same thought Hayley had. LOL

    And I loved the red stockings…the kind I wear! LOL!

  6. This look and performance seems so unlike her and un-natural I can only imagine what she would think. She’s probably forgotten about it…

  7. LOL! I REALLY believe she doesn`t remember…if she couldn`r remember she recorded a Bob Dylan song the other day, she won`t remember this for sure. LOL!

  8. She performed this in a tv show in Sweden? Wow…still in incredible performance in my opinion. Very powerful voice and she really knows how to rock. The dance moves were kinda different! LOL!

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