Well, it’s the day after my birthday and I feel the strains of this one day…I turned 48…which means in 2 years I’m half a century old. My brain will not acknowledge this…AT ALL!!!!:-)
Thanks to those of you who posted messages on the Bette Board and/or sent me e-mails: Miss Jane, Bev, Sandy, Angie, Becky, the Miro bros, April (Bat Girl), Alisha, Snook, Lady Puff, BaltoBoy Steve, Mr. V, Jamie, Terri, sketchups (I just love that name for some reason), my mom, Woody, Steve, Mike, Amber, Gina, Shannon, Dave, Charles, Brian, Irin, Bruno, Aliza, Sue, Neal, Brie, and Lord Kirby. If I left your name out, I’m totally an idiot…well, I am that anyway and more….anyway, all of you help keep my spirit alive and motivated.
All the same it was a nice small affair…I do plan on throwing a blow-out for my fiftieth;-) Even though one of the gifts Barry gave me was shaving 3 years off my real age…LOL
This also gives me an opportunity to thank everyone that visits here and/or contributes…even if you stay in the background. I’m glad you all seem to enjoy coming here and as long as it remains fun…and time allows….I’ll be here…
Last but not least: Darrell and Brandon. Thank you so much for all the help you have given to me. If not for you two, I probably would have packed my bags a long time ago. Same goes for Bev, Snook, and Miss Jane (especially you on the personal level…it’s just a nice bond on a level some people might not understand…since we are different in many ways)…and Cris:-)
Other people who have contributed: Sara, babydivine jane, Brian, Albert, my Barry Manilow Fan, Kathy, Crystal, Max, Bruno, Nigel, Nicola, Mikey, and of course, Mama Rose (hope you’re feeling better)…if I left anybody out write me and chew me out….it’s part-timers…:-)
I don’t think I’ve left anybody out….oh, and to all the people who subscribe….just thank you so much….
Sincerely, Mister D