American Idol: Well, We Didn’t Get Adam, We Got Lil

Mister D: Sorry, this version just didn’t work for me. She just tried too hard and it led nowhere fast.

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9 thoughts on “American Idol: Well, We Didn’t Get Adam, We Got Lil

  1. I concur…wasn’t really feeling it as well. Lil’s voice is too “loud” and pitchy for The Rose, that is best simple and emotional. The attempt at the ‘gospel’ section didn’t really sound gospel to me, but at least someone sang Bette! 🙂

  2. Bette Midler could sing this sng 10x better even when she is drunk!! Do these contestants know what they sound like? Bette is the best performer there is.

  3. Ok, why the heck would she sing this song? Does she know who Bette is? You DO NOT sing a Bette midler song, ever, because Bette always has a certain sound that is sooooo good which makes everything else sound like crap. And The Rose is not a “gospel” song! I was happy someone sang a Bette Midler song, but I think the only people that could maybe sound good singing one of Bette’s songs from the rose would be Adam or Allison. And, I don’t even think they are capable of singing The Rose and they are fabulous singers!

  4. I watched it last night and it killed me. I thought she was awful. She was pitchy like no ones buisness and it was all in all just a bad performance. A few people I work with thought it was good…and a few of my kids parents thought it was too. I was like are you people on crack.
    It was awful!!!

  5. My mom rushes into my room last night during a commercial to tell me Lil was gonna sing “The Rose”. I dragged myself into the family room and watched in dissapointment and embarassment why did she go all Gospel on us!?

  6. In more exciting news as I sit in my Seattle hotel, I found out “Then She Found Me” is premiering on Lifetime this Saturday!

  7. “I’ll sing THE signature song of one of the greatest performers of all time. Seems like a good idea! What could possibly go wrong?” Just more proof that some folks drink and drug too much

    1. They are all guilty at some point or another of picking a signature song and then just bastardizing it. I still don’t understand why they don’t listen to the judges on that account.

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