Saturday Matinee: Bette Midler In Isn’t She Great

"Isn't She Great" is a 2000 biographical comedy-drama film that presents a fictionalized biography of the life of author Jacqueline…

Watching Bette Midler & Isn’t She Great In A Bad Mood

A Jackie Susann biopic with terrible reviews, Isn't She Great delighted me 22 years after its release.

BetteBack June 2000: Things not known of Bette Midler

The latest film of actress-comedienne Bette, 55, is Isn't She Great? based on the life of Jacqueline Susann, author of…

BetteBack February 21, 2000: The Original Valley Girl

In many ways Isn't She Great? is a modest film: two main characters, only a handful of sets (principally Central…

BetteBack Feb 12, 2000: Susann Wasn’t Great And Neither Is The Movie Based On Her Life

JACQUELINE SUSANN, I can only guess, must have KNOWN that she had no talent and was literally all but illiterate.…

BetteBack January 31, 2000: Isn’t She Great Fails To Crack Top 10 Opening Weekend

competition from the Super Bowl, icy weather, and a lack of big premieres made for a lackluster weekend, according to…

Video: Isn’t She Great (2000) – Starring Bette Midler & Nathan Lane

Mister D: This might be a little frustrating to watch. The sound doesn’t kick in until about the 2 minute…

Bette Midler – I’m Sorry – Kiss My Brass – 2004