On First Wive’s Club: Yes. Yes. I will admit it. It was a big hit. I’ve had the depths and…
Category: Quotes
On That Old Feeling: “This movie fulfills my desire to do something broad. I like characters who are way over the top. She doesn’t hold anything back, And it’s nice to be back in high heels, too. This woman wears some nice threads. It’s the type movie I think is right for me to do right now.â€
On That Old Feeling: “This movie fulfills my desire to do something broad. I like characters who are way over…
Bette Midler On Martin: “My husband’s a great guy. He has an artist’s soul, ability and drive. He’s working on his first feature film, and yes, I could have a part in it but I don’t know if I want it. He accepts my help when I give it to him, but he doesn’t expect it.â€
Bette Midler On Martin: “My husband’s a great guy. He has an artist’s soul, ability and drive. He’s working on…
Bette Midler On Her Family: “We both very much wanted to get married,†she says. “My career has had its ups and downs but nothing compares to my family…
Bette Midler On Her Family: “We both very much wanted to get married,” she says. “My career has had its…
On The Harlettes: “These girls are FILTHY! Simply filthy. They come here directly from Disney land where they were a ride.â€
On The Harlettes: “These girls are FILTHY! Simply filthy. They come here directly from Disney land where they were a…
Experience The Divine: “I know you all want the rush of singing along…DONâ€Tâ€
Experience The Divine: “I know you all want the rush of singing along”¦DON”T” (Observer-Reporter ”“ Jul 14, 1994)
Bette Midler On Life: “I can’t play the victim.â€
Bette Midler On Life: “I can’t play the victim.” (Syracuse Herald, February 5, 1989)
You know, a lot of people tell me I was their role model when they were in college, and that makes me feel fabulous. Maybe it’s because of my straight talk and that, despite what has happened, I lived through it. Sure, things have been rough, and I wouldn’t want to live through them again…
You know, a lot of people tell me I was their role model when they were in college, and that…
Bette Midler On Her Father: “My father never went to see my performances. I think he saw The Rose on television, and he saw me on the Johnny Carson Show., but he just wasn’t interested. He didn’t like popular culture…
Bette Midler On Her Father: “My father never went to see my performances. I think he saw The Rose on…
On The Quest For Fame: “You know, it’s not until you get older that you realize how incredibly juvenile that quest for fame is. You say to yourself,’ What was I thinking about?†Fame is not what’s important…
On The Quest For Fame: “You know, it’s not until you get older that you realize how incredibly juvenile that…
On Being In High School Plays: “My mother really ate it up. I remember her coming to the senior-class play and handing me roses over the footlights, her face just shining. She just thought this was great.â€
On Being In High School Plays: “My mother really ate it up. I remember her coming to the senior-class play…
Bette Midler On Growing Up: “I was resented and teased by the other kids. It was bad being treated like that. But you toughen up fast. I guess that’s where 1 got my ‘showoffedness,’ because I had to entertain. I would sing and dance and tell jokes.â€
Bette Midler On Growing Up: “I was resented and teased by the other kids. It was bad being treated like…
Bette Midler On Her Dad: “He was one of those poohpooher’s—’You’ll never amount to a hill of beans.’ Maybe it was reverse psychology, hoping against hope that I would amount to something, but it was pretty painful for a long time…
Bette Midler On Her Dad: “He was one of those poohpooher’s–’You’ll never amount to a hill of beans.’ Maybe it…
To this day, I don’t know how my mother was able to raise us. She found her circumstances humiliating and didn’t want anyone to see her living like that. But at the same tine, she tried desperately to get out. She wanted us to have a home and when my father brought home his paycheck, she immediately put it in the bank…
“To this day, I don’t know how my mother was able to raise us. She found her circumstances humiliating and…
I never had a friendship that lasted that long. But I had a very dear friend when I was young. 1 was in the 10th grade when we met, and she’s the one who brought out whatever sense of humor I have. She was only 19 when she died…
“I never had a friendship that lasted that long. But I had a very dear friend when I was young.…
On Experience The Divine Tour: “I haven’t been in the Bette Midler business for the past 10 years: I’ve been in the Touchstone film business, pretty much.â€
On Experience The Divine Tour: “I haven’t been in the Bette Midler business for the past 10 years: I’ve been…
(On For The Boys): “I loved the music, so I felt the movie had a shot I felt strongly, too, about the idea of raising a child you’re absolutely crazy about, and to lose that child to a war you don’t understand as I do with my son in the film And I believed in the two characters (hers and Caan’s) â€
(On For The Boys): “I loved the music, so I felt the movie had a shot I felt strongly, too,…
(On finding good original material for movies): “People these days cannot write from scratch. They can adapt a novel or a play…
(On finding good original material for movies): “People these days cannot write from scratch. They can adapt a novel or…