2015 – Bette Midler In Discussion With Judy Gold – View From A Broad

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Bette Midler On The Eclectic Style Of Her Albums:

Bette Midler On The Eclectic Style Of Her Albums: “That’s the way I work. I’m a brain picker. I pick…

(Playing an 80 year old in For The Boys frightened Bette): “I’d never done it like Dustin Hoffman did in ‘Little Big Man’ and Keir Dullea in ‘2001’ So I spent some days at an old-age home, but I found that the makeup was a tremendous help ”

(Playing an 80 year old in For The Boys frightened Bette): “I’d never done it like Dustin Hoffman did in…

Tina Fey Says Hocus Pocus Script In Development But It’s Not A Remake (More Of A Re-Imagining

Mister D: And, no, I wouldn’t look for any of the original stars. Comic Book Tina Fey Says Hocus Pocus…