The Drama Book Shop presents, in association with Jay Michaels Global Communications, “On Bette Midler, An Opinionated Guide”
Tag: OnBetteMidler
Podcast: Midler On The Half Shell – Theater Of Bette Midler Part 2
In today’s episode, author Kevin Winkler returns for the second part of our discussion of his fascinating new book, On…
Review: On Bette Midler – An Opinionated Guide
Sensational, breathtaking, outstanding, or – as in the new book "On Bette Midler" by Kevin Winkler – another, better word…
Kevin Winkler’s ‘On Bette Midler’ — An Interview
In her own distinctive way, the divine Bette Midler has been telling her own story throughout her career.
Podcast: “On Bette Midler: An Opinionated Guide.”
Kevin Winkler shares his love for Bette Midler and what led him to publish his third biographical book, "On Bette…
Podcast: Kevin Winkler Talks New Book On Bette Midler
In this episode, I spoke with Kevin Winkler about his book "On Bette Midler: An Opinionated Guide".
New Book “On Bette Midler” By Kevin Winkler May 21
For more than 50 years, Bette Midler has been at the center of the entertaiment world as a uniquely talented…